Marrakech in four days: everything you need to know to explore the city in depth

The imperial city of Morocco offers much more than its monuments. The visit is an authentic experience full of smells, colors and flavors that intoxicate the traveler from the moment he steps on its streets.

Joaquín Montaño

Joaquín Montaño

12 min read

Marrakech in four days: everything you need to know to explore the city in depth

Djemaa el Fna Square | ©Tom Tiepermann

Visiting Marrakech in four days will allow you to know all its attractions, from its Medina to the Menara gardens, through its souks and, of course, the Jamaa el Fna square. In addition, you will have time to take an excursion to some of the magical locations in the surrounding area.

Day 1: Immerse yourself in the souks and enjoy the atmosphere of Jamaa el Fna

Touring a souk in the Medina| ©Omar Bárcena
Touring a souk in the Medina| ©Omar Bárcena

Arriving in the streets of Marrakech, with its crowds, vendors, noise and smells may make some visitor feel a bit uncomfortable. My advice is to try to keep an open mind and embark on the trip with the desire to let yourself be carried away by the incomparable atmosphere of the city.

Get to know the Medina in the best company

Normally, Marrakech is a safe city, but, as in any destination, it is always advisable to keep in mind some safety tips for traveling to Morocco.

A good way to get to know the medina and some of the main attractions of Marrakech, at least until you check the city, is to book a guided tour. With your guide you will not only have more information about what you are seeing, but you will also get to know the secrets that the city hides.

Book your guided tour of Marrakech

Enter the souk

To start the trip, nothing better than doing it Moroccan style: with a mint tea in one of the cafes near the Jamaa el Fna square. This way, not only will you have your first taste of Moroccan cuisine, but you will also be able to see the atmosphere that is beginning to build up in the square.

When you finish, take a walk around the same square, hopefully, some of the many vendors who come every day to it, as well as henna tattoo artists, jugglers, storytellers or snake charmers will already be installed.

Then it's time to book your tour of the souks of Marrakech to help you buy and bargain and live one of the most intense experiences of your trip. The best thing about going early is that the labyrinth of souk streets is not yet fully crowded. You will find from slippers, to fabrics of all kinds, through food, selling spices or ceramics.

Book your tour of the souks of Marrakech

Discover the Koutoubia Mosque and its minaret

This mosque is the most important of all Marrakech and its minaret, about 70 meters high, remains the highest point of the city.

The interior, unfortunately, can not be visited by non-Muslims, but this does not prevent the decoration of the minaret and the exterior of the so-called mosque of the booksellers (translation of its name from Arabic) is worth a stop, as well as its neat architecture.

If you want to know more details about this or other mosques, be sure to book a private guided tour of Marrakech.

Book a private guided tour of Marrakech

Take a break and enjoy the culinary delights.

After a few hours wandering around the souk and other parts of the medina, it's time to take a well-deserved break and recharge your batteries. Although the area is full of places to eat, some of the most recommended are:

Book your gastronomic tour of the Medina of Marrakech

Enter the Dar Si Said Museum

Touring the Dar Si Said Museum| ©Marrakech Riad
Touring the Dar Si Said Museum| ©Marrakech Riad

Marrakech may be best known for its square and its proximity to the desert, but its ancient buildings and art collections do not detract from the above. The next point to visit, still within the Medina, is Dar Si Said Museum.

In the case of this museum, the exhibition is composed of objects of Berber culture, as well as carpets, textiles or furniture. On the other hand, Dar Si Said is located in a former 19th century palace with a beautiful inner courtyard. Do not miss the delicate decoration of its wooden doors.

Book a tour of the Medina of Marrakech

Enter the Mellah, the old Jewish Quarter

In the 16th century, several groups of Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal sought refuge in Marrakech. In the red city, they settled in their own neighborhood, the Mellah.

The Jewish community has dwindled over the years, but the neighborhood still retains a different atmosphere from the rest of the city. With narrow streets, it is very interesting to stroll through them discovering some of its attractions.

Book a tour of the Medina of Marrakech

Be dazzled by the sunset at Jamaa el Fna

To end this intense first day as it deserves you should head back to Jamaa El Fna, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

Before going down to the square you can find a place in one of the terraces that surround it and watch the sunset from there while sipping a tea or coffee. From there you can also see how the atmosphere is transformed and begin to install a large number of food stalls.

The music and performances of street artists give the square a magical atmosphere that captivates all visitors. If you have gone with children to Marrakech, I assure you that they will enjoy the experience.

  • If you wish, you can choose among the food stalls that are installed in the square the one that catches your attention.
  • If you prefer something quieter, you can book a gastronomic tour in Marrakech or go to Nomad.

Book a gastronomic tour in Marrakech

Day 2: Back to the Medina to walk around it at your leisure

Bahia Palace| ©Jorge Láscar
Bahia Palace| ©Jorge Láscar

You will have already noticed that the first impression of Marrakech is one of chaos and disorder, with its narrow streets full of locals and tourists, vendors with their stalls, noise everywhere, colors and flavors. However, it is all this atmosphere that makes the city a magical and unrepeatable place.

With the experience gained during the first day you probably already know how to get around Marrakech. Although if you prefer you can hire another tour that goes through the medina to show you everything there is to see and do there, the following tour can also be done without problems on your own.

Get lost in the Bahiaa Palace

The day will start early with a visit to one of the most beautiful buildings you can find in Marrakech: the Bahia Palace. It is one of the most visited monuments, so it is advisable to arrive at a time that allows you to avoid the crowds to see it more quietly.

It was built in the nineteenth century with the intention of being the largest building of its kind in the world. Although surpassed by other palaces in the world, there is no doubt that its architecture, its yellow and blue courtyard full of aromatic plants, its mosaics and the decoration of its columns have kept it as one of the must-see places in Marrakech.

The entrance is paid and the only problem is the lack of information in English. This makes many tourists prefer to book a guided tour to enjoy the visit more.

Book a guided tour of Marrakech

Photograph the best views from the El Badi Palace

Another very interesting building to visit in Marrakech is the El Badi Palace. It dates from the sixteenth century and much of its structure is in ruins, although for years excavations are being carried out in the area. According to the chronicles, in its time it had more than 300 rooms, all decorated with crystal, turquoise and gold.

Some rooms and its extraordinary courtyard are still standing. The place also hides in a room the minbar (pulpit) of the Koutoubia Mosque, as well as a beautiful view of the city from the ramparts,

After leaving the palace I recommend that you walk around the area for a while and take a break in a cafe in the Jardin Sidi Ahmed El Kamel.

Book a guided tour of the medina of Marrakech

Visit the Saadian tombs, one of the jewels of Marrakech

One of the jewels of Marrakech are the Saadian tombs. Although less known than other attractions, this small funerary complex hides wonders inside. Built by Sultan Al Mansur, they remained hidden for centuries after another sultan had them walled up and are considered one of the best examples of traditional Moroccan architecture.

It was not until 1917 when they were rediscovered, revealing the marble and gold with which they were built. Inside you will find a small courtyard with the tombs of secondary characters, although what stands out most in the so-called Hall of the 12 Columns, where Al Mansur himself is buried.

After this visit it may be time for lunch. In the area you will find several interesting places, among which I recommend the pleasant terrace of the Kasbah Cafe.

Book a gastronomic tour in the Medina of Marrakech

Do not miss the Madrasa Ben Youssef

Ben Youssef Madrasa| ©Lundeux
Ben Youssef Madrasa| ©Lundeux

The Madrasa (or Medersa) Ben Youseef was an ancient Islamic school that once had more than 900 students. Today it is considered one of the most interesting places to visit in the city due to the beauty of its architecture.

In its center, as usual in the old Moroccan buildings, is a courtyard with a fountain. Around it you can see several rooms built with cedar and stucco and decorated with tiles of various colors.

It is also very interesting the prayer room, as its decoration with pineapples and palm trees is one of the most exuberant in the city.

Book a guided tour of Marrakech

Discover Koubba Ba'Adiyn

This domed building was built in the 12th century by Ali Ben Yussef, the second Almoravid king. It is the only remaining example in the city of the architecture of that period and, in addition to its aesthetic and historical value, it is a good example of how water was stored at that time.

The best way to see this monument is to go down to its base and stand under the dome. That is where you will be able to see its extraordinary decoration. In the past, there was a pond with a fountain at the base.

Book a guided tour of the medina of Marrakech

Enter the Museum of Marrakech

With paid entrance, the Museum of Marrakech, is a good place to visit with a guide, as the information about what you are seeing is not too much and you will not understand the function of much of the collection.

Anyway, the palace itself in which the museum is located is really impressive and worth paying just to see it. It highlights its central courtyard, in which you will surely stay a while admiring all its details.

To finish the day, I recommend you to go to a place where, in addition to dinner, you can see a belly dance show. One of the most popular is Le Narwama, located near Jamaa El Fna.

Book a gastronomic tour in Marrakech

Day 3: Take a trip to Essaouira

Waves crashing on the ramparts of Essaouira| ©Doug Knuth
Waves crashing on the ramparts of Essaouira| ©Doug Knuth

From Marrakech there are a large number of organized excursions that will allow you to discover the desert of Marrakech, the Atlas Mountains or impressive places such as Essaouira. For this third day I propose you to travel to the latter city to enjoy its attractions.

Although you can go from Essaouira to Marrakech on your own, the truth is that if you book an excursion to Essaouira will allow you to make much better use of time and not have to worry about adjusting transportation schedules.

Book an excursion to Essaouira

Marvel at Essaouira

Most tours to Essaouira leave very early in the morning from Marrakech in order to make the most of the day. The distance is approximately 160 kilometers and along the way you will enjoy stunning natural landscapes.

After arriving in Essaouira you can walk through its streets full of charm and with a much quieter atmosphere than that of Marrakech. In addition, you can visit a cooperative where the famous argan oil is produced, as well as:

  • The port of Essaouira: crowned by a bronze cannon, it is the most iconic point of the city.
  • The Moulay el Hassan square.
  • The souks.

The meal, which is usually included in these tours, takes place in a local restaurant. In these, the traditional Moroccan food that you can find in the restaurants of Marrakech is added to many dishes made with seafood and fish.

Book an excursion to Essaouira

Dinner at Kafe Merstan

It is quite likely that when you return to Marrakech you will feel quite tired, especially if your excursion has included a camel ride. Depending on your condition, you can choose to dine at your hotel if it offers that possibility or eat something in one of the trendy places.

A very nice place is the Kafe Merstan, whose beautiful terrace will allow you to relax after such an intense day.

Book a gastronomic tour in Marrakech

Day 4: Say goodbye to Marrakech between gardens and a good massage

Camels in Marrakech| ©Jaume Pera
Camels in Marrakech| ©Jaume Pera

The activities for this last day of stay in Marrakech will be very much determined by the departure time of the return flight, as it will not be the same to have to go to Marrakech airport just after lunch than if, with luck, it does not leave until the next morning. Despite this, the proposed itinerary is quite complete.

Tour the Palm Grove of Marrakech

The area of the Palm Grove of Marrakech, about 10 kilometers from the Medina, has become one of the tourist centers of the city. Despite that, the atmosphere still retains some of the magic thanks to its more than 100,000 palm trees and fruit trees.

To go to this place you can negotiate a fare with a cab driver (something that is part of the most basic tips for visiting Marrakech). If you prefer not to complicate things, you can book a tour of the Majorelle Gardens and the Marrakech Palm Grove. In addition, you have the possibility to take a camel ride through the Palmeral of Marrakech

Depending on how you have gone and your interest in the area, there you will find several restaurants where you can have a good tea or a typical Berber lunch.

Book a tour of the Palm Grove of Marrakech

Meet Gueliz: the modern Marrakech

Back in the city I recommend you to take a walk around Gueliz, the so-called "European quarter". Built by the French during the protectorate, its urban planning follows the structure of the great Parisian boulevards, with the Avenue Mohammed V as the central axis.

Although this 3 km long avenue reaches the Medina, the atmosphere in the streets is radically different.

If you have not eaten in the Palm Grove, in Gueliz you will find a lot of options and you can choose between Moroccan food restaurants and others with a more Western offer.

Book a guided tour of Marrakech

Visit the Majorelle Gardens

Majorelle Gardens| ©Kamal Hammadi
Majorelle Gardens| ©Kamal Hammadi

When you arrive at the next point of interest you will think you have found an oasis within the city of Marrakech, especially if you have traveled to Marrakech in summer.

The Majorelle Gardens, created by a French painter of the same name, is the largest in the city. Inside, in addition to the art deco gardens themselves, you can find an interesting museum, but just strolling through its paths is worth it. I recommend that if you want to know it in detail book a tour of the Majorelle Gardens.

Book a tour of the Majorelle Gardens

Taste the last (or penultimate) mint tea.

On the way back to the Medina, specifically to the fascinating spice souk, I suggest you enter the Cafe des Épices, a favorite of travelers arriving in the city.

In addition to taking a last stroll through the souk area and making the last purchases, the terrace of the cafe offers incredible views of the city and the Atlas Mountains. Possibly, there is no better way to say goodbye to the trip.

Book a tour of the Medina of Marrakech

Say goodbye with a good massage in a hammam

If you have time and want to return home relaxed you should try to go to a traditional Arab bath, the hammam. In Marrakech you will find a wide range of them, but I advise you to go to a mixed one that offers everything you need to enjoy the experience.

In addition, I recommend that you book your massage in a hammam in advance, as it is a very popular activity in Marrakech. In addition, with this reservation you have included transfers, bath, 45 minutes massage and a mint tea to put the finishing touch to your memorable trip to the Moroccan tourist capital.

Book your massage in a traditional Hammam