Best Things To Do In Menorca In 4 Days

Best Things To Do In Menorca In 4 Days

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Visiting Menorca in 4 days will leave you wanting more, I assure you. You are probably wondering what to see and do in Menorca, don't worry, in this article I will give you a list with everything you can't miss in your 4 days trip to Menorca.

Day 1: Take a tour around the coves of Menorca: Cala Galdana, Cala Turqueta, Cala Macarella and Cala Mitjana

Macarella Cove| ©Antonio L
Macarella Cove| ©Antonio L

Menorca is world famous for its beaches and coves. The coves, in case you do not know it, are places of the coast where the sea enters, forming a small bay. The great majority of its visitors come to this, the second most important island of the Balearic Islands, in search of a bit of relaxation and enjoyment under the sun.

Spend your first day enjoying the sun. Although the island has no areas that are not worth visiting, the best coves in Menorca are undoubtedly those in the south, those that you will have seen ad nauseam on the internet. Cala Galdana, Cala Turqueta, Cala Macarella and Cala Mitjana are those places to give yourself to leisure and to that "dolce far niente" that the Italians proclaim.

Here you have a linear tour of 5 of the most important coves in the southern region of the island.

Book your boat trip in Menorca

Turqueta Cove

Start your first day at the beach in Turqueta cove. This cove, hidden among pine trees, is the most unspoiled of all those mentioned here. It is located just 11 kilometers from Ciutadella, so you can get here on foot through the Cami de Cavalls, by car or by bus.

The color of its waters give the place its name, although as you can see, Menorca itself is a mixture of turquoise, green and white. It is also ideal to visit with children, due to the tranquility of its waters and the natural environment that surrounds the beach. It is not uncommon to see in the middle of the beach groups of goats shyly approaching tourists in search of food.

Unlike other coves, here you will not find places to eat or stock up, so I recommend you bring some snacks, some fruit and drink. Cala Turqueta is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful coves you will find on the island.

Macarella Cove and Macarelleta Cove

  • Cala Macarella: This is definitely one of the most famous coves of Menorca. Its waters are almost out of this world. Here you can enjoy its beaches of soft and fine sand and various water activities, such as snorkeling and kayak rentals. It also has a beach bar (bar Susy), but because it is the most popular beach of all tends to fill up easily, so it never hurts to bring some refreshments.
  • Cala Macarelleta: Almost next to this cove is the small Cala Macarelleta. Considered by many as one of the best beaches in Spain, this cove has the stamp of paradise, surrounded by pine trees and quite inaccessible, the calm and crystal clear waters is truly hypnotic.

A piece of advice, if you decide to visit these incredible coves I recommend you to do it by boat, you will not have to worry about finding a place to park your car, besides having unbeatable views of the island from the sea. Cala Macarella and Cala Macarelleta are what you have come to Menorca for, I assure you.

Book your boat trip in Menorca

Galdana Cove

You can get here very easily, using the paths from Cala Macarella next to the viewpoint. Cala Galdana is only 5 kilometers away from Macarella and Macarelleta coves, and it is a very familiar place, with a good atmosphere.

Its sand is fine and white, and the beach has an extension of 400 meters. The calm waters make it an attractive place, where you can swim, snorkel, rent kayaks or just enjoy the sun in this dreamlike landscape.

There are plenty of beach bars where you can eat and sun loungers to have a good time without worries. In addition, the cove has an elevated viewpoint, from which you can have incredible views of the entire bay. I assure you that it is absolutely worth it.

Mitjana Cove

Finally, finish the day in Cala Mitjana, another of the beautiful virgin coves in the south of Menorca. Thanks to its wide beaches you will have no problem finding a place to lie down, even in the middle of summer. Here you do not expect to find beach bars or rentals of any kind, since it is nature in its purest state. There are tables and chairs where you can sit and comfortably enjoy the refreshments you bring with you.

Like many of the coves in the south of the island, for which you can book a boat trip, Cala Mitjana is ideal for activities such as snorkeling, as you can dive and explore all the richness that hides the Mediterranean Sea, thanks to its very calm and transparent waters.

Book your boat trip in Menorca

Day 2: Stroll through the charming white village of Binibèquer Vell (Binibeca Vell) and visit the city of Mahón, capital of the island

Afternoon in Binibeca| ©Carla Varona
Afternoon in Binibeca| ©Carla Varona

For this second day, I have selected some of the most interesting points of the island, leaving aside for a moment the beaches. Visit the charming Mahón, booking a guided tour, and Binibeca Vell, two places you can't miss on your trip to Menorca.

Binibeca Vell

To get to Binibeca (Binibèquer) you can take the road to Sant Lluís from Mahón, or bus 93. It is located about 8 kilometers from the capital.

Definitely one of the most photographable places in Menorca and one of the most visited, this beautiful village that emulates the classic style of the white houses of the fishermen of the beginning of the last century, is a charming excuse to spend the whole day walking through its narrow and picturesque streets, as well as its stone corridors with a Greek island feel.

Discover what to see and do in Binibeca during your stay in Menorca. I recommend you not to miss a stroll through its port, where you can take some incredible pictures of the boats that are on the coast.

Book a guided tour of Binibeca

Mahon (Maó)

If the morning is Binibeca, the afternoon is Mahón. I recommend that you travel those 8 kilometers that separate Binibeca from the capital of Menorca, and once there you visit, among other things:

  • The natural harbor of Mahón, a place full of charm.
  • The historical center, with its charming Georgian style houses.
  • The Mola Fortress, a military construction that protected the city of Mahón in the times of Queen Isabel II.
  • The Bastion of Sant Roc, where you can see part of the old main gate of the city. Mahón (or Maó, in Catalan) still preserves some traces of its past as a walled city.
  • Be sure to take a boat trip from Mahón, so you can tour the coast and marvel at the views of the city at sunset.

The capital of Menorca boasts one of the best places to party on the island, so I recommend you stay until the sun goes down. One of the classic places to enjoy the night here is the disco and lounge bar Ama-gi.

Book a guided tour of Mahón

Day 3: Visit Ciutadella (Citadel) and the curious Navetas de Tudons, in the north of the island.

Ciutadella| ©Freebird
Ciutadella| ©Freebird

On this third day, you will visit some of the most historic places in the northern part of the island. Here we go!

Ciutadella (Citadel)

Start this third day in the former capital of the island. Here you can enjoy a picturesque set of houses and dreamy little streets that invite you to get lost and take endless pictures. A stroll through Ciutadella is ideal to learn a little about the island's past and explore, among other things:

  • The old town, where you can visit the Torre Saura Palace, the beautiful Plaza del Born, the Bisbe courtyard and the Cathedral of Santa Maria de Ciutadella, which dates back to the 14th century.
  • Then visit an indispensable place that you can not fail to include in your tour of Ciutadella: its beautiful port. Filled with terraces, stores and places to hang out, the port is definitely one of the places to see and tour. With its countless boats and stone walls, this is a place where you can get tired of taking pictures.
  • Walk around the Nou Mercat, definitely the most modern commercial center of the city.
  • The Castle of San Nicolas is another must-see, with incredible views of the sea.
  • Finish your visit to this charming Minorcan city by taking a highly recommended boat trip from Ciudadela, Menorca, so you can see the charm of the city from the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean.

Naveta des Tudons

This amazing funerary construction was discovered on the island and dates back to prehistoric times (no less than between 1200 and 750 BC!). It is known by the name of "naveta" because it has the shape of an inverted boat, and it would be the oldest construction in Europe. The entrance fee to this incredible architectural relic is around 2 Euros, and can be purchased on site or in advance.

This construction is made with a technique known as cyclopean, i.e., stacking medium-sized rocks without any mud or cement to hold them together. Excavating inside, bones, ornaments and bracelets have been found in large quantities, which gives the indication that these were collective tombs used in the Talayotic period.

Buy your tickets for Naveta des Tudons in Menorca

Day 4: Water sports and sunset drinks at Cova D'en Xoroi, southeast of the island

Afternoon jet skiing| ©Emilio De La Peña
Afternoon jet skiing| ©Emilio De La Peña

Dedicate the last day to enjoy the most incredible thing this beautiful island has: the sea! In the northern part of Menorca you will find a wide variety of activities linked to this turquoise treasure.

Dedicate the morning to water sports

If you are a fan of water sports and you need an adrenaline rush to combat so much rest in the sun, I recommend that you head to the northern part of the island. There you will find a wide range of sports activities. Jet skis, kayak rental, scuba diving, snorkeling and even flyboarding, the northern beaches and coves are undoubtedly the most active. In towns like Fornells, for example, there are several centers and schools for water activities.

Can't live without the sensation of speed? Rent a jet ski in Menorca and live an unparalleled experience. Go through the coves, its incredible transparent waters, and live the adrenaline to the fullest, I assure you that you will not regret it. Discover the 5 best places to snorkel in Menorca, and marvel at the other island, the one hidden under the turquoise waters. You'll find an absolutely fascinating universe.

Cova d'en Xoroi

And if the sunset finds us in Cala de Porter, what better way to end our last day in Menorca than with a few drinks in Cova D'en Xoroi, a curious bar located right on the cliff (yes, as you hear it). La Cova d'en Xoroi has no comparison, enjoying a few drinks while watching the sunset over the Mediterranean Sea is priceless.

It is a classic of the island and one of the places that you cannot miss during your visit to Menorca. At night the place dresses up and brings renowned artists, so it is an excellent way to end our fourth and last day in this paradise.

If you are fond of sunsets, here we have made a list of the places you should visit if you want to enjoy the best sunsets in Menorca.

What is the best time to visit Menorca?

Sunset in Menorca| ©Chris Combe
Sunset in Menorca| ©Chris Combe

Definitely during the summer months is when you will be able to enjoy to the maximum the attractions of this island. Its beaches, all the activities and aquatic sports, the walks and excursions in sailboat or in catamaran do not take place in the coldest months of the year.

For all this, I recommend that you organize your visit to the island for the months from June to September, so you can live a unique experience, 100% enjoyable in Menorca.

Book your boat trip in Menorca

Is it expensive to spend your vacations in Menorca?

Money in Euros| ©Pixabay
Money in Euros| ©Pixabay

Menorca is not an excessively expensive place, you can eat for about the same price as in any other city in Spain, although of course if you want a restaurant with typical Menorcan dishes, and some rather premium details, well, you have to pay for that. Boat excursions start at around 30 Euros, and there are different options for accommodation, according to your budget.

Book a guided tour of Mahón

What language is spoken in Menorca?

Menorca Beach| ©Nicolas Vigier
Menorca Beach| ©Nicolas Vigier

The languages spoken on the island are mainly Spanish and Catalan, although the local dialect is Menorcan, which is a derivative of Catalan.

In general the people of Menorca are very friendly with visitors, so don't hesitate to strike up a conversation with them.

Book a guided tour of Mahón

Are there typical foods of Menorca?

Lobster stew| ©Eugene Peretz
Lobster stew| ©Eugene Peretz

There are a lot of dishes typical of Menorca, yes. In recent times the island's gastronomy has become quite famous, and something to take into account, for its great variety, presentation and quality. There are many chefs who opt for this paradisiacal destination to establish themselves and develop new dishes.

The island has a rich heritage of cultures, which have left their mark on everything from its architecture and customs to, of course, its gastronomy. Romans, British, Arabs and French are some of those who have passed through Menorca, bringing tradition and shaping the Menorcan.

Some of the delicacies you can not miss are:

  • Arroz de la tierra: Paradoxically, it does not contain rice, but wheat crushed in a mortar.
  • Raya al horno: One of the most abundant fish on the island.
  • Perol menorquín: Traditional dish with pork, although it can also be found with fish or lamb.
  • Crespells dulces: A delicious sample of Menorcan pastries.
  • Oliagua: A traditional soup of humble origin, today a classic of the island.
  • Caldereta de langosta (lobster stew): The most renowned of Menorcan dishes. A delicacy.

Here I leave you this other article in case you want to know which are the best restaurants in Menorca and, even, encourage you to book a workshop of typical cheese of Mahón, are you up for it?

Book your boat trip in Menorca