Best Diving Experiences in Fuerteventura

Best Diving Experiences in Fuerteventura

More about: Best Diving Experiences in Fuerteventura

In addition to other water sports that have become popular in recent years, such as surfing or windsurfing, more and more people are daring to dive with oxygen tank and Fuerteventura is an ideal place to do it. This island is the oldest of the eight that make up the Canary Islands, also has a very important geological interest among professionals and a tremendously rich marine fauna and flora.

In this article, I will show you the best scuba diving experiences in Fuerteventura and I will explain you everything you need to know about scuba diving, why you should try it and how. Shall we start?

1. Dive next to a 40 meter wall in the Veril Grande of the Jandía lighthouse

Jandía Natural Park| ©dronepicr
Jandía Natural Park| ©dronepicr

Jandia Natural Park, located at the southern tip of Fuerteventura, is an ideal place for both experienced divers and people who have not been diving for so many dives.

As its name indicates, here you will find a big veril or what is the same: a vertical wall that drops about 40 meters (you will understand it better with this picture). This is a perfect place to see black moray eels, bream and angel sharks, although on some occasions, whale sharks and devil rays have also been observed. Incredible, don't you think?

Depending on your level, you can dive around the wall, on the wall itself and even explore the caves found in it. Undoubtedly, a must for diving lovers.

But don't leave yet, because very close to the Veril Grande is the Veril Chico. As you can imagine, this reef is smaller and shallower than its big brother, however, here you can also find plenty of aquatic species, such as jack mackerel, bonito and schools of amberjack.

2. Admire the underwater volcanic landscape at Bajón del Río

Diving in the Bajón del Río| ©TurismoCanarias
Diving in the Bajón del Río| ©TurismoCanarias

This is another special place for diving, although it is necessary to do it with the right currents and tides, otherwise it can be dangerous. In the right conditions, both experienced divers and those who have done less dives can dive in the Bajón del Río.

This site is located very close to Corralejo, in the small strait that is formed between that town and the neighboring Isla de Lobos. It has a depth of approximately 18 meters.

Here you can admire the underwater volcanic landscape of the island of Fuerteventura, in addition to its rocks, full of marine life, such as jacks, groupers, abbots, old and so on. Do not miss the play of light that form on the rocks and rock walls. A real gem.

If I have left you with the desire, here is a video sample of what you can find.

3. Experience the tranquility of El Jablito's waters

The beach of El Jablito| ©Gofuerte
The beach of El Jablito| ©Gofuerte

El Jablito beach is located east of Fuerteventura and is ideal for a quiet and relaxed dive (up to a maximum depth of 15 meters).It is accessed by the same beach and has both sandy and rocky areas.

El Jablito is a perfect place to admire countless aquatic species, such as bream, bicuda, angel sharks, spider crabs, parrot fish, fulas and a long etcetera. In addition, it is a very quiet place and suitable for all levels.

Its easy access and the tranquility of this area also make it a highly recommended spot for night dives. Although you know: extreme caution.

4. Sight an infinity of aquatic species in the surroundings of Lobos Island

Lobos Lighthouse| ©Taringa
Lobos Lighthouse| ©Taringa

Of course! Lobos Island is a privileged natural enclave that could not be missing in this list. You may already know that snorkeling in this place is one of the best experiences you can have in Fuerteventura, although it is also ideal for a day visit and tour its volcanic area and beaches. But, of course, this islet is also perfect for deeper dives with oxygen tank.

Lobos Island has about 20 dive sites, among which are some of the best in Fuerteventura (such as Bajon del Rio, number 2 on this list). Some of the ones you can't miss are the following.

Book a transfer to Lobos Island

Lobos Lighthouse

In front of the Isla de Lobos lighthouse there is a reef about 30 meters deep. Here there are usually strong currents, so it is necessary to take extreme precautions. Some of the species you can see are groupers and abbots, among many others.

Mareo Cove

Like the Bajón del Río, the Mareo Cove is located between Lobos Island and the town of Corralejo. Here you will find a vertical wall of approximately 20 meters deep, where you can find caves, arches and passages perfect for a great variety of underwater life to proliferate.

La Lagunita

To get to La Lagunita you will have to take a boat ride of about 20 minutes, but I assure you it will be worth it. This enclave has a depth of about 25 meters and you can observe large fish, such as giant groupers up to 2 meters, entering and leaving the underwater caves.


Finally and very close to Lobos Island, Marrajo is a perfect place for beginners, as it is only about 9 meters deep and is protected from the wind. Here you can see large schools of fish, and the special clarity and luminosity of its waters make it an ideal place for photography.

Remember that to visit Lobos Island you need a special free permit that you have to apply to the Cabildo of Fuerteventura, as only 200 people are allowed to enter at the same time. Although you can also book the boat trip so that they directly process the permit and the compulsory insurance for you.

Book here the transfer to Lobos Island with the obligatory permit

5. Discover the volcanic past of Fuerteventura in the caves of Ajuy

Ajuy Caves| ©Jesús López Triguero
Ajuy Caves| ©Jesús López Triguero

The caves of Ajuy beach, west of the island, are an incredible place to observe the volcanic past of Fuerteventura. Its caves have shown experts how the oceanic crust was formed approximately 70 million years ago and are a priceless testimony to the geological past of the Canaries.

It's worth coming here just to do the cave route, but obviously the seabed was not to be outdone. Just the caves and channels that you will be able to observe already make it an impressive dive, but in addition, here you will find a multitude of aquatic species, such as jack mackerel, amberjack, old, Canary lobsters and barracudas, among others. It is also possible to see some marine fossils that have been embedded in the rock.

The entrance to this site is from the beach and the depth of the dive varies from 6 to 20 meters approximately. It is especially important to check the weather forecast in this area, as well as the currents.

One more thing: very close to here is the Jurado area , famous for its reliefs and rocky walls, where you can dive. You will also be able to find sea breams, barracudas, horse mackerels, rays and pollack.

6. Dive among fields of anemones and mussel beds in Morro Jable

Diving in Morro Jable| ©Joachim S. Müller
Diving in Morro Jable| ©Joachim S. Müller

West of the port of Morro Jable, about 10 minutes by boat, is a labyrinthine rocky bottom that is home to many underwater species, including thousands and thousands of anemones (yes, where Nemo lives), but also octopuses, rays, moray eels, pollack and groupers, to name just a few.

Although at some times of the year it can present stronger currents, this is normally an easy diving area, suitable for all levels and with a maximum depth of about 14 meters.

But that's not all! Nearby you can find the so-called "mussel bank", which is formed by a lot of shells of all kinds. Here the depth increases to 16 meters and is still easy and suitable for all levels. It is recommended to bring a flashlight and thus be able to look through the holes and caves in the rock: they are full of life.

On the mussel beds you may also encounter species such as rays, pollack, jacks, amberjack, barracuda, moray eels and, if you are lucky, maybe some agelote.

7. Glide between impressive rock walls at Fish Tower

Fish and Stingray| ©Ricardo Pontecorvo
Fish and Stingray| ©Ricardo Pontecorvo

To the east of the island, you will find a place famous for its volcanic rock and sand bottom. As its name suggests, here you can dive next to towers and rock walls, which are home to countless animal species, such as countless cephalopods.

You will also be able to observe rays, moray eels, jellyfish, crabs and, perhaps, an angelfish.

Although it may seem complicated because of its characteristics, access to this place is easy, so the dives are suitable for all levels. In addition, this is a perfect place to take pictures.

The wrecks or sunken ships

Wrecks| ©Tākuta
Wrecks| ©Tākuta

The wrecks are ships that, for one reason or another, are at the bottom of the sea and where, over the years, underwater life proliferates at will. For better or worse, Fuerteventura is not a place noted for its wrecks, so none of the experiences on this list includes diving on them.

For that, the surroundings of Lanzarote and Gran Canaria are better, although the wrecks of Tenerife are the most impressive.

The difference between snorkeling and scuba diving

Snorkeling| ©Lars H Knudsen
Snorkeling| ©Lars H Knudsen

The experiences you can have snorkeling and scuba diving are completely different, although both sports share the same purpose: to observe live marine life.

Snorkeling is practiced with diving goggles and a snorkel and basically consists of diving at the water level, keeping the snorkel on the surface to keep breathing. Thus, you can observe marine life at a few meters depth, depending on the clarity of the water, but there is no deep dive.

When diving with an oxygen tank, there will be a deep dive and you will be able to reach places that would not be possible without that oxygen boost.

Remember that diving is wonderful, but it can be dangerous. To ensure that everything is perfect and to enjoy a good dive, you will have to be cautious and have the right notions (and permits) for each case. Now, enjoy and see as many fish as you can!

Is scuba diving worth it?

Scuba Diving with a Cylinder| ©Museo Virtual Submarino
Scuba Diving with a Cylinder| ©Museo Virtual Submarino

Oxygen cylinders or scuba cylinders store approximately 10 to 15 liters of compressed air, which allows you to reach the depths of the sea floor without having to return to the surface to breathe, since you do it through a regulator that you carry in your mouth.

The duration of the oxygen varies depending on the amount you carry and other factors, although, as a general rule, one cylinder will last you approximately 25 minutes.

25 minutes is enough time to be able to dive much deeper than if you only snorkel, which will allow you to see more remote parts of the seabed and richer in flora and fauna than if you only snorkel. But be careful, because this diving modality also brings with it some risks and you must take many precautions.

Finally, it should be noted that Fuerteventura and the Canary Islands as a whole are characterized by the clarity of its waters, so you will be able to glimpse the marine environment from many meters away.

How to scuba dive with oxygen tank

Diving Day| ©Pixabay
Diving Day| ©Pixabay

The most obvious and also the most important thing you will have to do for scuba diving is to get used to breathing through the regulator you will wear in your mouth. It is important to use proper breathing techniques to breathe slowly and calmly. Also, using the right techniques will help you stay underwater longer.

In the dive classes you will also be taught how to use the weight belt and BCD, which will help you to submerge and also to return to the surface.

It is also very important to use maneuvers to compensate your ears so that the pressure does not affect you. When you dive to a certain depth, not doing this correctly can be dangerous and cause ear damage.

Can I scuba dive on my own?

Diving in Fuerteventura| ©Dave Simpson
Diving in Fuerteventura| ©Dave Simpson

For better and for worse, no. According to international regulations, to scuba dive with an oxygen tank you will have to have an official diving certification.

If you have never scuba dived before but would like to enjoy the experience during your visit to Fuerteventura, you will have to do a first dive (or baptism) with a certified instructor.

In case you want to hire a boat excursion for scuba diving, keep in mind that, if it is your first time, it will have to be specific for beginners.

Note that the highest concentration of diving centers in Fuerteventura are located in the town of Corralejo. There, you will be able to do introductory scuba diving courses with oxygen tank, but they also have a wide offer according to your level and experience.

Other ways to dive without an oxygen tank

Jellyfish and Scuba Diving| ©antwelm
Jellyfish and Scuba Diving| ©antwelm

The popularity that diving is acquiring in many places has made it no longer essential to have to use oxygen tank to go down to certain depths.

Nowadays, there are companies that offer excursions to dive to a maximum depth of 6 meters. This is achieved with a kind of flexible tube that comes to the surface, allowing you to breathe. Something like snorkeling but at a greater depth.

This option is ideal if you have never dived with an oxygen tank and you don't feel like having to take a course, as you can book this type of activity without experience.