Capitol Hill In Washington Dc Tickets And Tours

Capitol Hill In Washington Dc Tickets And Tours

More about: Capitol Hill In Washington Dc Tickets And Tours

You may know the Capitol from movies about the United States or as a symbol of the country's democracy, but it is also one of the most emblematic buildings in the city for its importance and beauty.

Located in the heart of Capitol Hill, it is one of the most famous sites and is built on top of a hill, so it is possible to see it from anywhere in the city. Here I tell you everything you need to know to visit it and not miss any detail:

The best option

Washington DC Capitol Hill Guided Tour

Be sure to take a tour of Capitol Hill to learn all about Washington DC.

You will visit the Capitol and the most emblematic buildings on the National Mall in an electric vehicle.

The U.S. capital is one of the most powerful cities in the world and its historic center is also the site of important monuments and buildings. The Capitol Hill is one of the most requested by visitors, so a tour with an :::link|text=expert guide::: can save you hours of waiting in line.

Capitol Hill is also a very interesting gastronomic area, so opting for an option that includes a visit to a restaurant at the end of the tour after a long walk is an option that I recommend.

Recommended if... you have little time in Washington DC and want an orderly visit to the buildings and monuments of the National Mall.

How much do tickets cost?

Visiting the Capitol| ©Ed Uthman
Visiting the Capitol| ©Ed Uthman

Access to the Capitol is free, so it is not necessary to purchase a ticket, although if you have several days in the city it is advisable to reserve your place in advance on the official website since entrance passes are restricted.

It is also possible to schedule a guided tour free of charge, in group tours that last an hour and a half in total, including a welcome video with a thirteen-minute history of the U.S. Congress and the building.

The Capitol Visitor Center has an entrance at the back of the building, on First Street, and in addition to the traditional guided tour you can opt for specific tours, such as the one that includes a tour of the Senate chambers or the internal gardens.

How to get tickets for the Capitol at the ticket office?

Afternoon at the Capitol| ©Nayuki
Afternoon at the Capitol| ©Nayuki

Admission to the building is free, although it is recommended that you reserve your seat in advance, because the number of daily visitors allowed is very low. One option is to do it directly from the official website of the Capitol or hire a tour of Capitol Hill and make sure that the tickets are included.

If you arrive on time it is still possible to get into the Capitol, although you will have to wait in line at the Visitor Center and wait for confirmation of availability, which is not very common.

Some Capitol Hill and National Mall bike tours also include a stop with your ticket to visit the Capitol, although you should note that this does not apply to night tours since the building closes at 4:30 pm.

Are there guided tours of the Capitol and is it worth it?

Tour inside the Capitol| ©Sue Waters
Tour inside the Capitol| ©Sue Waters

You can book guided tours of the Capitol where you can take a general tour of the entire building and access detailed information about the history of the United States. Here you can see the main hall and also the dome from the inside.

Another option is to sign up for themed tours, such as those that offer visits to the Capitol's interior gardens or tours that include the crypt, connecting corridors and the National Statuary Hall.

The Capitol also has one of the largest art collections in Washington, which you can also see on a specific guided tour that lasts forty-five minutes, giving you plenty of time to see everything the city has to offer.

It is important to note that, unless you have a free pass from a U.S. Congressman, the tours do not include a visit to the Hill.

Book a guided tour of Capitol Hill

What you can't miss on Capitol Hill

Capitol Hill and Lawn| ©SridharSaraf
Capitol Hill and Lawn| ©SridharSaraf

Because of its size and historical significance, Capitol Hill can seem like a separate city, filled with gardens, promenades, plazas, guard buildings and even a police station of its own on its ten acres. It is also an architecturally beautiful building and that is why you cannot miss seeing its enormous dome and the columns that support it, and it is best to do so by hiring a guided tour where everything about the building is explained in detail.

From the inside, the dome includes murals and paintings that reflect the spirit of the city and the importance of George Washington as a founding father in the Revolutionary War, the first president in U.S. history and the one in charge of laying the cornerstone of the building in 1793.

I also recommend that you don't miss the chance to visit the Library of Congress, the Senate Chamber and keep an eye out for the restaurants in the Visitors Center.

Book a guided tour of Capitol Hill

How much time do you need to visit Capitol Hill?

Capitol Dome Details| ©Sue Waters
Capitol Dome Details| ©Sue Waters

The traditional guided tour of the Capitol takes one and a half hours, which also includes a thirteen-minute introductory video on the history of democracy in the United States. The documentary is narrated in English, but headphones with translations in several languages are available at the Information Centers.

If you only have that time it will be enough to get to know the building, although if you have a few hours more you could sign up for specific thematic visits of forty-five minutes each that will give you a tour of the internal gardens or the crypt.

The Capitol also has the largest art collection in the city outside of the Smithsonian museums and can be toured with a themed tour. The paintings in the Rotunda of the Dome reflect defining events in the country's history such as the Declaration of Independence or the Embarkation of the Pilgrims, and the National Statuary Hall with references to all the states.

Book a guided tour of Capitol Hill

How to get to the Capitol?

Sightseeing bus with Capitol Hill in the background| ©eGuide Travel
Sightseeing bus with Capitol Hill in the background| ©eGuide Travel

The best option for getting to the Capitol is via Metro, which has three stops adjacent to the building, at Union Station, Capitol South and Federal Center. It can also be reached by the Washington DC circulator bus or by one of the tour buses that offer stops on Capitol Hill.

The Capitol is located at the head of the National Mall, so if you organize an early visit to the building, you can take advantage of the day to visit the most symbolic monuments of the city, such as the Obelisk, the Lincoln Memorial or the war memorials.

Due to the lack of parking in the Capitol Hill area, I do not advise you to go to the Capitol by car.

Book your Washington sightseeing bus tour

Opening and closing hours of the Capitol

Capitol Hill at Night| ©John Brighenti
Capitol Hill at Night| ©John Brighenti

The Capitol Visitor Center is open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. The last tour starts at 3:30 pm.

Due to the limited number of visitors the museum accepts daily, it is advisable to book a tour in advance, an option that is available up to one day before the day of the visit. Without a reservation, you may choose to wait in line at the Capitol during opening hours.

When Congress is not in session, the Senate and House galleries are open for tours from 9:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Book a guided tour of Capitol Hill

Helpful tips for visiting Capitol Hill

Sunset on Capitol Hill| ©Anthony Quintano
Sunset on Capitol Hill| ©Anthony Quintano

It is advisable to arrive on time at the agreed upon time for the visit since before entering it is necessary to go through a security operation that can take about forty-five minutes.

The total area of the building, which includes the gardens and open air spaces, is ten hectares so, although the visit to the main building takes ninety minutes, if you want to visit the whole area it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes and clothes. If before or after the tour you want to eat you can do it in one of the restaurants and cafeterias of the Visitors' Center.

In order to contribute to the conservation of the building and to protect the legislative activity of the Capitol, a limited number of tickets are distributed daily. It is also important to know that the activities and opening hours may be modified without prior notice and that on session days many of the building's corridors are closed. Also that the Capitol does not have public restrooms on its tour, only in the Visitor Center.

Book a guided tour of Capitol Hill

Code of Conduct for Capitol Hill Visitors

Autumn and the Capitol Dome| ©Bradley Weber
Autumn and the Capitol Dome| ©Bradley Weber

The Capitol Police are firmly guarding the security of the building and the members of Congress, which is why it is imperative that you do not deviate from the control measures proposed for the tour. This is why, before entering, you will have to allow bags and purses to be searched, wear appropriate clothing that does not include sports or beachwear, keep your cell phone on silent, accept the prohibition of taking pictures in some rooms and do not leave your guide's side during the entire tour, which is important to know to avoid delays, especially if you are on a short stay.

If you need a break, along the tour there are benches and places where you can rest and if you have an emergency it is important that you tell your tour guide, in case you hire a tour, who can assist you with the support of the Capitol Police, but do not run or raise your voice affecting other visitors.

Book a guided tour of Capitol Hill

Where can you eat while visiting Capitol Hill?

Dining in Washington| ©Rob Nordstrom
Dining in Washington| ©Rob Nordstrom

If you arrive at the Capitol after a long walk through other parts of the city or if your visit coincides with lunchtime, there are several options of restaurants and cafes at the Visitor Center where you can buy food or a drink.

Please note that the only area of the Capitol where you can eat or drink is in the restaurant area of the Visitor Center. Outside this area and during the tour, food and beverages are prohibited.

There are also several restaurants in the areas near the Capitol that can be accessed once you have finished your tour, although on certain days and times of the week they can be very crowded.

Book a guided tour of Capitol Hill

When is the best time to visit Capitol Hill?

Capitol Hill and people on the lawn| ©Brian Aslak
Capitol Hill and people on the lawn| ©Brian Aslak

The Capitol is one of the most requested buildings by tourists visiting Washington DC,so it is always crowded, but during the week, in addition to the legislative activity of the building. If you have several days in the city , I recommend you to visit on a Saturday.

Another option to avoid the crowds and the legislative activity of the Capitol is to attend while the session is closed. This happens during some weeks of December, since in January the congressmen resume their activity.

Visiting the Capitol during a holiday is also a possibility, but keep in mind that it is closed to the public during Christmas, New Year's and Thanksgiving.

Reserve your spot on a Capitol Hill tour

All Public Access

Capitol Hill Dome| ©Brian Allen
Capitol Hill Dome| ©Brian Allen

The Capitol Visitor Center ensures that anyone can have access to the facilities, so those who have some kind of disability are able to request accompaniment during the visit and priority in the attention. For this, it is necessary for the interested party to contact in advance the Office of Accessibility Services of the Congress.

Animals are also allowed when they are escorts, which makes it very common to see a dog assisting a person during his or her visit to the Capitol. It is necessary for security personnel to approve the companion animal's entry in accordance with current vaccination requirements.

While the Capitol is not the most attractive destination for a child, there are also diaper changing facilities in the public restrooms at the Visitor Center, and themed tours are scheduled for school groups.

Book a guided tour of Capitol Hill

Is it possible to take a virtual tour of the Capitol?

Taking a Virtual Tour| ©Andrea Piacquadio
Taking a Virtual Tour| ©Andrea Piacquadio

The virtual tour of the Capitol Hill is available and offers a guided tour that will take you to the same sites as the on-site visit.

It is possible to visit the National Statuary Hall, the crypt and the Rotunda of the Dome in tours that last one hour and are available from Monday to Friday.

At the end of the tour there is a space for questions and answers that the guide will answer via chat.

Book a guided tour of Capitol Hill

Is admission to Capitol Hill included in the Washington Sightseeing Pass?

Sightseeing Pass| ©MolaViajar
Sightseeing Pass| ©MolaViajar

As a free tour, the Washington DC pass does not include admission to the Capitol but does offer nearby options that incorporate bike tours of the National Mall and Capitol Hill area, so by arranging a visit ahead of time it is possible to combine both activities and save on travel time and expenses.

The Washington Sightseeing Pass also includes several bus options that have more than forty stops, including some on Capitol Hill, including some tour buses that you can hire, and walking tours with the assistance of an expert guide to learn more about the history of the city.

The Capitol is located at the head of the National Mall, so starting your tour of the city at the Legislative Building from your lodging is a highly recommended option and then continuing along the Potomac River and Arlington.

Book your sightseeing passes